

I can't wait for the AV Club review of the Louie episode he's in. I'm already prepping my Maron flames for the comments section.

I can't wait for the AV Club review of the Louie episode he's in. I'm already prepping my Maron flames for the comments section.



Conjured chains then /oom

Conjured chains then /oom

Hear! Hear!

Yeah, but the extended "Two Towers" includes a scene that helped the movie make more sense to people like me who hadn't read the books. It's a scene where Gandalf is essentially explaining the significance of the entire situation to Aragorn. Not sure why it was originally cut.

Yeah, but the extended "Two Towers" includes a scene that helped the movie make more sense to people like me who hadn't read the books. It's a scene where Gandalf is essentially explaining the significance of the entire situation to Aragorn. Not sure why it was originally cut.

Exactly. It was great to see Daenerys harnessing her passion wisely again. I was worried she'd lost her way.

Exactly. It was great to see Daenerys harnessing her passion wisely again. I was worried she'd lost her way.

@avclub-e576423831e043f7928d9ac113abbe6f:disqus Yeah, like, what really made Walt "special?"

@avclub-e576423831e043f7928d9ac113abbe6f:disqus Yeah, like, what really made Walt "special?"

@Fred Zeppelin It's only a spoiler if you know it is true. You're only cautiously speculating. Carry on.

@Fred Zeppelin It's only a spoiler if you know it is true. You're only cautiously speculating. Carry on.

@idiotking What would we do without you?

@idiotking What would we do without you?

Now I will watch this.