He Hate Cans

Thank goodness that review is over. I have to pee like a racehorse.

I dunno, and I say this as a straight man… could be worse.

"I'm not sure this story is really news worthy"
"Does it involve pictures and/or video of Anna Kendrick?"
"I suppose it could."
"Post it!"

Can't we just scrap this for the Superman/Sucker Punch crossover we all know we so badly want?

Really assign those labels in almost any other way and you'd get a more interesting movie.

In the early 00s Breslin was definitely "that kid actor who's terrible in everything." Wonderfalls was the only thing that figured out what to do with him. I think he's quite terrific in this episode.

For whatever reason, what delights me most about this episode is how Peter is so psychotically intent on his schemes (the black eye, bashing Eric with a baseball bat, etc) and no one is ever even the slightest bit fooled.

A man who has the same speaking cadence as Kermit the Frog can't not be mellow.

I believe when someone asked Roger Ebert how on earth Criterion could have released Armageddon, being that it's such a bad movie, Ebert responded "It's a great example of its type"

You shut the hell up. Nothing that Max Von Sydow is in can be bad. Nothing!

I think my initial reaction to reading that PR was returning: "Oh god, Project Runway is on again?" is probably a sign that I'm ready to jump ship too. My desire to judge people will just have to be filled by everything else on television.

Something something Paula Marshall. Something something porn star. Sorry it's just… being a man commenting on the internet, I just can't keep up with it some days.

I can get behind the Barrel Bear being bad, but I dunno, Lovesick Ass has too many great moments to be in the bottom 3.

Each new late-period Sandler film is part of a ploy to make us revise our assessment of early-period Sandler films. Billy Madison, Happy Gilmore and The Waterboy are already starting to be remembered more fondly. And we're working our way to Little Nicky.

"I'm not a baby saver!"

^ I would watch that.Especially if his overbearing parents lived next door and always came over threatening to raise interest rates and such.

I'd say New Holland Brewery counts as "something interesting" It's one of the finest modern American Breweries.

When he was writing the 1st Amendment Madison wanted to extend its meaning to include the ability to say any shitty thing you want at any time free of any consequences. But as always Madison came up a bit short.

I'm an old man. Jerry you ratted me out?

I feel like I could deal with a critic whose opinion differed from me in every single instance if they were intelligent and well written. But critics who think their job is to criticize or can't get basic facts correct (like Mr. Reed) are just infuriating.