
Fake News! Why isn't this airing on Sinclair Broadcast Group instead of Cosmopolitan PBS?-Stephen Miller.

"The report read "Routine retirement of a replicant." That didn't make me feel any better about shooting a woman in the back."

Unless he's Trafficking Them.

Heh I just got another Netflix Gift Card Yesterday (I am apparently on my Free Month now).

He's no Victoria.

"What Wall? I never talked about a Wall, Fake News!"


so "@midnight" is ending like "The Soup" did.

& "Dark Matter".

That still gets better ratings then Megyn Kellys show.

& That CBS show.

Rebooting "The Apprentice" worked right?

still not 1997 again.


he keeps him in Cookies.

I never used the Hashtag (Whovian).

It's been that way for a while now when my running gag in WOT went from that to (Flagged) was when it took effect.

I doubt "Manos" would have gotten a proper restoration if not for "MST3K"

*Shark Roars like a Lion*

it's odd watching the original run on Netflix unless it's the First or Last ep in the Library of episodes you wont get the Credits Zinger ("The Return" gets all of these) it's odd even with my RHINO/SHOUT! library of DVDs not far from me.