
AMC:Don’t be afraid, you piece of shit!

The Best Lawyers.

Felt News!

Can't Drink that You Guys!-Jimmy Fallon.

They both weren't Perkins Newswires.

Sesame Workshop another separate studio by this pont.

Trump is a Fat Skeksis (Fatter then the General was) he was one of the Sloths right?

"The Rainbow Connection"-Lock that Hippy Frog Up!-Jeff Sessions.

No Puppet!, No Puppet!, You're The Puppet!

High Quality Guy!

& John Barron.


Jim probably likes him.

During an interview with Pat Robertson.

Jimmy's Getting Upset!

No Maps though.

Everyone at Fox News since Glenn Beck was there has tried this and failed horribly at it.

Why is it everyone on Fox News thinks they are the next Glenn Beck?

"Perspity Gospel The Movie"

Stately Wayne Manor.-Tom Servo also "Cave Dwellers".