
So Much for the Tolerant Faith and Freedom Coalition!

"The Scorpion King" did get a theatrical release it's sequels were all DTV though.

Cry Wilderness!

What did Perkins Do Now?

"Max 3: Back to War"

War Dog

13. The star of the All Time Classic "An American Carol"!

Could you print this?

*Smashes Alarm Clock*

Any-day now with that Law & Order President.

Well they did actually debate if she was Patriotic enough (that Immigrant).

(Flagged Instantly)

Kim Dotcom & Julian Assange?

Fake News! what will Tucker Carlson & Sean Hannity be reporting on?

"I'm gonna need a hacksaw."

Dammit Murdoch!!!!!!

Can we get Paul Myers back on T.V. again?

Fake Host!

"The ½ Hour News Hour" sits in the corner.

Who was on "The Itch" the first Canadian "Daily Show" type show.