
yeah but it was in the 3rd season when that happened I think.

I hate those Fancy Lads!

"Trial & Error" not sponsored by Cloud 9.


You can't explain That!

All he ever Wanted!

Then Tucker gets Hannity's timeslot.

Sill seems to be a few.

Yes!-Fox News.

or if you are on the other coast Saul first airs at 7.

Carlo Rota!Carlo Rota!Carlo Rota!

on Fox News like Sean Hannity! Call Him!

General Douglas MacArthur wouldn't like that!

How incompetent is he?!

70. Richard Darbyshire from Living in a Box wrote alot of her songs.

4. Kate Cameron Sky Spy!!

"Spanglish" with that Sandwich.



I got the first season DVD from the local HMV 1 day before it closed.