
Trying to Make his Way Home.

Lights Up the Kellyanne Kanaye Signal.

Shep Smith gets Billo or Sean Hannity's Time-Slot? #TrueBlood

I don't think my Dad has 1 of those hats due to Canadian Shipping orders being higher than normal.

Yep Glenn Beck's Restoring Honor Rally.

My Trump loving Dad & my sort of Neutral Stepmom watch "Last Week Tonight with John Oliver" & "Full Frontal with Samantha Bee" so Hope? (though my Dad is still heavily invested in Fox News *Sigh* )

what a bunch of Cucks, Am I Right?-DJT.

Get your HBO show on the air soon!

Gay Shows! (Shows might actually not be Gay).


Kellyanne Kanaye will tell us this is fine.


7. Gamergate!

The Oscars are making the Frogs Gay!!!-Alex Jones.


Fake Ad!

He should talk to that Dog then.


It's a Tremendous Steak!

Crooked Affleck, Overrated!