Still with the Anti-Barry attitude. BIONIC BARRY'S AWESOME, GET OVER IT MAN.
Still with the Anti-Barry attitude. BIONIC BARRY'S AWESOME, GET OVER IT MAN.
Sometimes Tina has lines that don't even have jokes written into them, but the way they're delivered cracks me up so hard. This episode, it was "Hey dad, woah woah woah, rewind. I'd like to hear your amazing news."
Isn't Jennifer Lawrence considered the frontrunner?
You sound like a lot of fun at a party.
You sound like a lot of fun at a party.
The part where he pretended to not be able to say the word cunnilingus because "he can't get his tongue around it?" Pretty sure that was a joke.
The part where he pretended to not be able to say the word cunnilingus because "he can't get his tongue around it?" Pretty sure that was a joke.
Perhaps they can get Stephen Merchant to play Beaker.
Perhaps they can get Stephen Merchant to play Beaker.
I've been on a huge Pulp kick lately. I picked up This Is Hardcore just this week after having played Different Class and His 'n' Hers to death. The first half I immediately loved, but the second half is still taking a while to grow on me. That whole album does seem to deal with the concept of growing old though.
I've been on a huge Pulp kick lately. I picked up This Is Hardcore just this week after having played Different Class and His 'n' Hers to death. The first half I immediately loved, but the second half is still taking a while to grow on me. That whole album does seem to deal with the concept of growing old though.
"Liz & Dick seems custom-made for the curious custom of “hate-watching”: deliberately watching campy junk or shows otherwise deemed annoyances for the purpose of mocking them"
Well, duh. What do you think people clicked on this review for? WAY TO RUIN IT FOR US, AV CLUB.
"Liz & Dick seems custom-made for the curious custom of “hate-watching”: deliberately watching campy junk or shows otherwise deemed annoyances for the purpose of mocking them"
Well, duh. What do you think people clicked on this review for? WAY TO RUIN IT FOR US, AV CLUB.
Popeye's is my favorite fried chicken. Way better than KFC and Church's. WHO'S WITH ME?
Popeye's is my favorite fried chicken. Way better than KFC and Church's. WHO'S WITH ME?
"When I get invited to host the premiere live tv comedy show"
"When I get invited to host the premiere live tv comedy show"
I'm sorry, the correct grade is an A.