
Oh sorry you're right, I forgot uninformed, jealousy, envy….

I think it's too late sacrelicious, people are starting to catch on.  Part of me is glad because I'm proud of my city and the other part wants it to be kept a secret.

When did you move?

I know a lot of people that watch it live here in Pittsburgh.   I'm not sure if it's because they like it or because I threatened them.

People who bag on Pittsburgh are either ignorant and/or have a sports team that got owned by one of the teams there.

Part of me wonders if this episode doesn’t prove that Community should be canceled, and possibly killed with fire, but part of me also thinks a fifth season now must happen, if only so this isn’t the way the whole show ends."
This is pretty much what I said to my sister after watching it.   Get out of my brain.

Interesting.  I really enjoyed their first album, and what drew me to it was that 60's soul/Motown vibe.  However the two vocalists have great chemistry as you said so I will give this one a look.

"Also, maybe just get the kid who played Danny for the role, because who the hell cares"

Noel thank you.  Your Lost write-ups are what drew me to this site in the first place.  I stayed because of the strong staff of writers that covered such a wide range of topics.  The family-type feel of the community was just icing on the cake.  Seeing you leave really makes this all hit home out of everyone. 

I've been coming here since 2006 and must admit that I'm absolutely disheartened to hear of these departures.  I won't say that I'm going to stop coming to AVClub but I know for sure I won't visit it like I used to.  I'll still check in every now and then because Todd is still here and to see what you rambunctious lot

Yeah upset but not devastated over it.  I think she knew it was for the best and will move on.  Now I think the writer's next arc will be getting Jeff and Britta back together now that they've sort of "grown up" a bit in that department.  Listen to what Jeff says to Troy, he's basically talking about himself in some

Good luck Tasha, very sad to see you go and will look for your future writings elsewhere.

She definitely seemed upset.  Even at the end there in the group scene.

The little they did focus on it, you could plainly see the two weren't compatible and that they were setting them up for a breakup.  I feel vindicated for saying as much during the Halloween episode where most disagreed with me.

Had a chance to see him relatively recently and enjoyed the show immensely.  I feel lucky to have had a chance to see him.

I'm not referring to age regarding their immaturity, I think it's personality.

Just rewatched it and that's a good way to put it.  They were acting to the camera and it did not feel natural at all.  I think a lot of it had to do with the long tracking shots, perhaps not wanting to mess up?

Easy answer here, Rumours.   Not only is it the first album I bought (on cassette to replace my parent's record I wore out), it's the first album I remember hearing as a whole.

That's the main difference I think.  Harmon tried to keep the characters true for the most part.   I just can't picture, for example, Shirley acting and reacting that way to tying up their professor.  I mean that's crazy.  It served the Hitchcock part but did not ring true for the character.