
I wish Cosby and Rashad could have played her in-laws, that would have been great.

I thought it was Gillian that was on tonight.

That's great analysis there in your second paragraph jenny.  I think you hit the nail on the head as to why I enjoy Britta more when she's around Jeff.

" I didn't learn anything new about Jeff and I didn't see a 'Having changed' that will color his journey from this point on."

I know I'm torn also.

Although I didn't really dig the cold open, I laughed more during this episode than I did during all the other episodes combined.

Hey another article about Community and how it's changed….ugh.

I thought it showed how Troy and Annie are just not good fits for Britta and Jeff respectively.  At first I thought they were doing what you said, it wasn't till the twenty minute mark that I sensed the exact opposite.Troy said "I can't do this," and ran off to Abed (with Britta making that face) .  Meanwhile Annie

This episode feels like it officially sunk the Jeff/Annie and Britta/Troy ships, and I'm perfectly fine with that.

Regina Philange - Friends  
Charles Carmichael - Chuck
Clive Bixby and Juliana - Modern Family

Or someone who has watched like, five or six shows in their life.  Most of these are from the same show.

"Fan fiction" being the key term since it looks like they're ramping up Britta/Troy and Annie/Jeff., which I don't care for if you ask me.

They've been doing too many callbacks the first two episodes but that one was well done.

Wait, since when do we have lockers?

I totally agree TPoppaPuff.  That's almost the same exact way I feel, especially with the expectations part.

Just ignore the troll. He's obviously being stubborn by not admitting that not only is he wrong, but that we all know he's wrong.

Yeah it really did have an impact on the city, you could feel it.

I still play Lord of the Rings Online every now and again for the same reason.  I could not see myself, however, playing something like WoW for hours on end.

Since when are women in their 30's considered cougars?  Yinz be crazy.

Great call on Odessey and Oracle.  I also was obsessed with Rubber Soul and Rumours when I five.  That didn't stop me from getting into a bunch of crap music during my teens but now I've righted that ship.