I saw Shrek and then Mulholland Drive. That was an odd afternoon.
I saw Shrek and then Mulholland Drive. That was an odd afternoon.
Jorge- right, lend, not loan…
Slightly more than 300 is not 300, so I think Al is vindicated.
Does Mrs Izzard dress like a man?
Redneck, interesting post. But I am very confused by this one, and ever since I moved to Minneapolis I've seen it EVERYWHERE, from people of all levels of education.
*casts stone*
I liked the cutaway with Stewie where he didn't know what to do.
What were the odds that Horsefellow would misspell his post the exact same way both times? Or does he actually spell it "threead"?
Did you buy your computer at a knockoff Chinese market? Backspacer key, really?!
Surely the antithesis of real travel would be something akin to always staying on the internet in your parents' basement or something. I've never planned going on a cruise ship either, but to describe it that way is pretty much down the same path as the attitude you are opposing.
I wonder what would go through a Somali pirates mind after climbing over the rail of that ship?
Agree, Headman. It might have been a little touchy feely for a season or (especially) a series finale. But let's see how the new persona plays out. Will he keep it? How will others respond to it? Will they be as inspired to get results in their work? Etc, etc.
To each his own
I really liked it. I see where you are all coming from, but I have to say it was a very good two hour viewing for me. Maybe I just identify too much with not letting people get close, but I give it top marks. Thoroughly enjoyable.
Well John, unless I had a stroke and didn't realise it, you speak of my world. No idea who he is.
I saw this film today
I was disappointed for pretty much the exact reasons in the review. This film could've been a sprawling epic with a fantastic premise. However, it devolved too quickly (I also found myself thinking of it as a game, particularly the part where they are running on the conveyor belt).
I'm with Tom Waits. I hate it when repeating number dates are given significance, when there are a FUCKING 2 & 0 at the front!
"I'll just skip the time…"
No Jason, see, you didn't just skip it, did you?
Apologies if it was pointed out in the article and that is Paul Walker. I have no idea who Paul Walker is.
I thought the PhotoShop was a joke…
But isn't the one on the left a white head on a black body? Is it just the light?
Dell Cousins - if livable is distinct from exciting activity, and something that is only allocated to certain calendar dates, then I think maybe the premise of the film being railed against here may have some truth to it. To me, being engaged, stimulated, and excited are inextricable from living. Every day.