BUT… Did you HAVE to say it? Littlefinger seemingly being behind EVERYTHING probably would've been my first talking point.
BUT… Did you HAVE to say it? Littlefinger seemingly being behind EVERYTHING probably would've been my first talking point.
You must set a pretty low standard for avatars then.
A HUGE berth. Come on guy, at least synch it with my name. Thanks for the berth though.
You're right, though if I genuinely wanted to win an argument it wouldn't be through posting on avclub. I'd walk down to a tavern and start bashing guys with pool sticks.
They're officially the band I root for the second most despite knowing none of their songs, right after Pearl Jam.
Seth Meyers is funny and charming, eff the haters. If you're a hater all you had to do the last decade was NOT WATCH TEN MINUTES OF SNL ONCE EVERY WEEK.
I think we're already severely understating how funny this character's name is. This is gearing up to be some The Following shit. Classic Fish.
Welcome to hours of sociopathic backstory, bitch!
When did we decree that we don't like Seth Rogen anymore? During his cultishly adored series' Freaks and Geeks and Undeclared? During his generally funny roles in Judd Apatow's films? During his writing of the equally funny Superbad and This Is The End? I'm genuinely curious, cause this seems like an internet-mandated…
I don't think U2 has made a particularly great record since the early 90's, and my favorites of theirs are Boy and War, but to say they're an unimportant band and they shouldn't be THE band to perform atop the Rockafeller Center on his first show as opposed to nearly anyone else just reminds me of my really cynical,…
It is both of those things, and why I always still play as Rookies.
I just feel like this list could have been deeper, with a lot more games. Never forget Spider-man and Batman in the original Revenge of Shinobi.
I loved the episode and love Fallon, but… This seems like such a strange time to report on this.
Kaput is my favorite, followed so closely by Streethawk. But Rubies, This Night, Your Blues… It's a crazy great discography. Trouble in Dreams was the only one I was slightly underwhelmed by, but it's still good.
Challengers was definitely too unheralded when it came out, but their best? Twin Cinema is too consistently beastly. Side note: I interviewed guitarist Todd Fancey (probably what TVW calls himself in private) back in college and he was the nicest guy. His solo records are rad too, very in line with the new pornos'…
I can get behind this, mostly because I'm in agreement on your picks for 3, 4, 5, 8, 11, 12, & 13 (haven't seen much past that, though I did watch and love that Xmas one from a few years back.) Agree that Lisa's Sax needs to take 9 though, despite Broadway Joe's solid advice.
It's like a lost gem from the best Tony Hawk soundtrack ever.
We'll I'm from Utica and I've never heard anyone use the term "steamed music."
Walton Goggins is the devil. I wish I'd never met him.
Tomacco, of course.