Huge Laurie

The only reason I'd let them cancel Game of Thrones is to make room for a surprise 9th season of Entourage, because Rhollor knows the Avclub regulars would happily make that sacrifice. Right? Those are douchey men knocking at your doors! Let's let them in!

The only reason I'd let them cancel Game of Thrones is to make room for a surprise 9th season of Entourage, because Rhollor knows the Avclub regulars would happily make that sacrifice. Right? Those are douchey men knocking at your doors! Let's let them in!

Maybe I meant George Michael the singer-songwriter.

Maybe I meant George Michael the singer-songwriter.

Mance Rayder: James Franco

Mance Rayder: James Franco

Here lies Robb Stark: He won many battles, but he was very, very horny Michael.

Here lies Robb Stark: He won many battles, but he was very, very horny Michael.

Really, I thought it was the best example yet of how well they're adapting the story as their own series without betraying the essance of the source material. The details in the book for amazing, but how many viewers of the show were going to get the image of, say, Rhaegar and his baby? (Answer: zero). Whereas with

Really, I thought it was the best example yet of how well they're adapting the story as their own series without betraying the essance of the source material. The details in the book for amazing, but how many viewers of the show were going to get the image of, say, Rhaegar and his baby? (Answer: zero). Whereas with

Donald Glover's joining Girls next season. TVDW's already planning for the inevitable site crash like it's November '99.

Donald Glover's joining Girls next season. TVDW's already planning for the inevitable site crash like it's November '99.

At least we're almost at the point in the trend where bashing Girls is so common it's considered NOT cool.

At least we're almost at the point in the trend where bashing Girls is so common it's considered NOT cool.

So, what, less explosions?

So, what, less explosions?

I'm not like those idiots. I AM those idiots.

I'm not like those idiots. I AM those idiots.

Celebrate by firing that McGee dude.

Celebrate by firing that McGee dude.