
The latter sentiment is something which pretty much no one actually thought during Cheers's initial run.  Early newspaper reviews of Frasier sometimes began with a line such as, "If someone told you a character from Cheers would be getting his own show, you would probably think, 'Oh, of course—Norm.'  Or maybe Woody,

35 Jesus wept.

I'd argue that the theme goes deeper.  In a society based on heredity, the second son is, at best, insurance, and, for the most part, a tool to ensure the survival of the family through the first son.  In such a society, primary sons are paramount, yet in the current world of GoT, the primary sons are all, if I'm

Re: "Joffrey’s continued obsession with Sansa is certainly interesting. Margaery seemed to briefly interest him for a while there, but he doesn’t seem as into her now. Insofar as we can try to figure out what’s going on in the head of a psychopath, I’m curious to get your reads on him (beyond just, “He’s a

I'd disagree with the characterization of Dany being so comfortable with her power that she could stand naked before Daario.  As audience members, we know Daario loves beauty, and perhaps Dany picks up on that (she does seem, for instance, to recognize that the decapitated heads are a form of flirting).  Leaving aside

FWIW: I just clicked on HBO GO and Boy Interrupted is, indeed, available there.

The Tenth Amendment is just about the stupidest fucking thing ever to be included as a provision of a founding government charter.  (DISCLAIMER: I haven't read any non-American founding charters; I just think that Tenth Amendment is fucking stupid.)

How can you get someone from Game of Thrones to do a riff on City Lights and not have it be the woman who plays Talisa Maegyr?

It predated them by at least several decades—the first instance recorded in the OED is from 1964.  If I remember correctly, the term was just breaking into mainstream culture in the early 1990s, which is why they were able to flip the words—Mac Daddy and Daddy Mac—and have suburbanite radio listeners (like myself)

I will join the chorus of those who enjoyed this week's episode more than last week's (and I'm a newbie lurking in the expert thread).  Not a knock on last week's episode, but I didn't get the same kick out of the Daenerys scene as everyone else did—that she would end up demonstrating a knowledge of the slaver's

"Where's Otis at?  Where's the boy, Shane?"

The "stand-off" scene between Omar and Mouzone struck me as a bit over the top (and I think they said in the commentary that they were going for a Western feel, if I remember correctly).  Outside of that, I had no problem with his character who, much like Omar, benefited from the fact that he had an idiosyncratic

Also, "When you're east of East St. Louis, / And the wind is making speeches, / And the rain sounds like a round of applause."—Tom Waits

Only if Diner includes the line, "What's a Canseco?"

Please let this be a very obscure reference to the Parker Lewis Can't Lose episode where Parker assesses his compatibility with Sloan by testing her baseball knowledge.

This is one of those albums which I listened to all the time as a teen, and which sort of evolved with me as I got older.  Obviously the music didn't change, but I did enough that songs which initially grated on me came to become my favorites—I think "Five Gears in Reverse" is most pronounced in that regard.   I may

Yeah, I can't get these lines from Lou Reed (about a friend who died from cancer) out of my head:

I'm curious if anyone knows of a good documentary about the 9/11 Truther Movement.  I ask because the way this documentary is described in these comments reminds of the Truther movement, in its obsession to pore over scraps of material and its willingness to entertain outlandish theories in an effort to uncover the

"Will not be deterred from ineptly getting their awful message out there to assholes"; "In keeping with the fundament of self-interest": 
Did Sean O'Neal make an Early Modern asshole pun which has escaped notice?  http://www.thefreedictionar…

Agreed.  I can imagine how a certain type might find small-town English life purgatorial but, honestly, spending the rest of my days mostly holed up in an atmospheric old pub with an earthy-tasting local ale on tap sounds pretty nice.