Agent Broyles

@avclub-c30b17b451a2d904d45a4c895dbd4a62:disqus I say, it's never justifiable to watch shows.  Only because that would mean you can place a certain value on any performance.  I'm not trying to say there isn't good and bad shows or good and bad in general, and you probably saw some good ones. But, it's too damn

I bought into that shit because I have a journalism bent, but that shit is so fucking weak.  It's CNN's idea what journalism ought to be.  Fuck Sorkin for polluting us with his shit ideas.

If you get a decent education, the point of a Liberal Art degree is to demonstrate your capacity to learn—I've been told by better people than myself.  These days you don't get have a job for a decade or a lifetime—unless you're in a highly specific field like surgeon or whatever—you have to be flexible.


Fresh thread? Imma blog for a quick sec.  Pretty sure my foot is broken because Gallagher was being an asshat on the day of my birth, and I laid a righteous kick on his thigh to back him down.  And it worked, for a time.  But, now my foot dun work good.  I've currently just tied a boot real tight, it's helping a bit.

@avclub-792b765aa995daf26cf6f17f519c949d:disqus You know how you can delay dealing with just how drunk you are by not standing up?  I'm pretty sure that's why the parliament didn't stand up.

@avclub-22eda830d1051274a2581d6466c06e6c:disqus I always liked his insane personal stories.  : \

Manderly better show up soon, or no one is going to understand why a Merling army is rising from the see to free Westeros and lead them to a golden age.

A peaceful land, a quiet people.  

@avclub-315b70a591bfd3c281d13e458aed35fa:disqus Best thing to do is sell them on Amazon after the semester is over.  The book store is a rip.

@avclub-bca3531762af8a993c4f60c48fd5e33b:disqus How?  I'm asking for a friend.

Oh, so you iron your clothes before protesting the lack of more free government money?  Something something American Exceptionalism.

What???  Reality TV is staged?!?!  I'd suggest a riot, but—and no offense—I don't think you guys would make for a very good mob.  It'd go from piss and moaning straight to dispersing to watch TV and piss and moan some more.

New hours at work, so I can actually stay up to watch Venture Bros!  I am just so happy right now!  It's definitely a night time watching sort of show.  There's something askew about seeing it in the daylight.

I don't know how I feel about your existence, but let's talk this out, bud.


Does anyone know if we'll be seeing for Dafoe's dangle?  My friend… wait, no.  My dog wants to know?  Yeah, that's the ticket.

Shh shh, this is your safe place now.

Don't be so hard on yourself.  You look very… interesting.

Implying Burt Cooper is mortal.