Agent Broyles

There seems to be a rather large contingent of grown-ass adults who enjoy indulging in Y.A. fiction.  That's their prerogative.  As it is my prerogative to judge them for reading it in public without even having the good sense to cover it with a Fountainhead book jacket.

Is that the show where everyone tries to be the first one to call someone else a Nazi?

I'm hearing "not worth getting into."  I've been considering it, but I probably won't.


@avclub-3be42d8a3412057f79af152555e39bd4:disqus I prefer the wistful half remembered feelings of enjoying TNG to any actual facts about it.  The mere thought of Data boners is ruining the little childhood I had left.

@avclub-5bbc67c39fbdf1c74e28b86c595f6e4a:disqus Data was not designed for fucking.

Sheeeeit, I didn't know you could be from a burnt out hole in the ground.

I remember scoffing at the thought of a Hannibal adaptation on network TV—on NBC on top of that!

It's a little funny.

@avclub-7e0ff37942c2de60cbcbd27041196ce3:disqus Yeah, I just can't picture a beard on Boyd.


Fuck King's Landing, Dragonstone fo lyfe.

Disregard this thread, NSA.  It's all just funny jokes.

My first thought whenever I see two people of such a great size disparity is always, "I wonder what they would look like banging?"

I'm willing to buy that a good writer can do good work with him.  A good writer can do good work period.  But, as a concept he suck eggs.


I heard if you eat a 10 year old's still beating… Oh, you didn't mean literally did you?

I'm pretty sure the second Hangover won a Nobel in chemistry or math or something.


If we're dealing in a universe that has magic, then magic > science.