Agent Broyles

At the very least, we can figure out what it isn't in an orderly, practical manner.  It's what punk would want.    

@avclub-0e97e6f344f9103d117ec4f9f40ca670:disqus He's old now.  Of course he's racist.

What's the deal with white chicks and horses?

I'm mostly confused.  Apparently, I don't even know what punk is, but I could have sworn it isn't this.

Bob Benson is simply the kindest, more caring human being that ever lived.  I refuse to hear anyone drag his good name through the mud!

He seems happy.  I'm glad to see he got over that whole slavery thing.

He's more of a withdrawn Abbot if you ask me.  Not that anyone ever does.

Quick sidebar, am I the only one who likes Bob Benson?  He's like the nicest human being ever.  At first I was all, "what a douche."  But, he beat me down with kindness, and I gave in.

@Scrawler2:disqus You better try harder or we're all going to end up in purgatory again.  Or worse… Tangerine Universe.  Christ, I hate that place even more than I hate Bizarro Maroon Universe.

Wait, he's the ghost?  Then who was Draper cuckolding?!

I've been hearing that from assholes for as long as I can remember.

"…is still a good guy…"


And the drummer gets a pass because we weren't expecting much in the way of grooming  out of him anyway.

You should probably make an example of some interns.  You know, so people don't think you've gone mad with power.  

That's actually a sticking point for me.  Some people need a big yard, I need a certain level of potential apocalypse in my day to day.

Still not as big of an asshole as his dad.  At least Jr. thinks he's doing the right thing, Jonas Sr. was more of a Don Draper on steroids level asshole.

Right?  It's an over-sized clitoris.  Duh.

Looks like someone is getting a Rusty Venture.

We're assuming a more complete agency than I think NBC is actually in possession.  I'm fairly certain that their executives live in a blissful state with no clear relationship between cause and effect.  They act like strung out automatons, calling out for this or that with no concept of what they do.