
This is just cruel.

Futurama, Blackadder and Fawlty Towers would be my top-3 picks.

It was worth it for seeing the best 'On the Next AD' gag ever.

The relationship between Louise and Bob is awesome. Their interactions alone would have made this a great half hour.

Give us longer breaks for snacks,
Or we'll burn the artifacts.

Yeah, they added it later.

I'm really looking forward to it. More Louise is always a good thing.

Still no Simpsons (Classic) reviews? That's just wrong.

Both the Sixth Sense and Unbreakable are good movies, and they hold up well IMO. I really like the atmosphere in Signs and The Village, but they could have been a lot better (especially the endings). The only irreedeemably bad movie I've seen from M. Night is The Happening.

I think I've only watched the pilot and some snippets of random episodes. The only things I remember about this show are the graphic, pointless and almost romanticized violence, and the corny, trying-way-too-hard-to-be-dark-and-edgy script.

@avclub-830c2addaa100a504ecaa6b4374f93ac:disqus I agree with you. The first three seasons were really good. S4 was more hit and miss, but it had some great highs (the finale, especially). S5 had its moments, but from then on the show went down the drain.

Is this a real life version of Too Big to Nail?

The impersonation bits were funny, and I liked that it was Troy the one who came up with it because he couldn't cope with was happening, but the fact that he essentially sent Abed to break up with Britta for him took me out of the episode. It's such a crappy attitude.

This was a weird episode for me. I really wanted to like it, and it certainly seemed to have different bits that on paper sound amusing, but the end result was just… meh.

"They like it when you shuffle the words around." Annie was using the lesson Jeff once had taught her.

Jonny doesn't appear in that picture.

Oh me, oh my. A lovely day is dawning. Oh, what a joy I didn't wake up dead.

-The Wire.
-The Simpsons (S3-S9).
-Dark Side of The Moon.
-The Godfather I and II.
-The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

I hate everything about it except for the chance to see Annie naked.

The Jeff/Dad storyline was great, it had a few laughs (due to Britta) and it had two truly poignant moments ("I hope you go to hell," and the scar story).