
The writers really liked doing that. The first mention of the Dominion is in a Quark episode, too.

As the story goes, the security chief was supposed to be a ripoff of Vasquez from Aliens - hence "Macha Hernandez". Sirtis read for the part. And they wanted Troi to be a tall sexy blonde, hence Crosby. Then somewhere along the line, possibly because of the actresses they were auditioning, they changed the character's

As the story goes, the security chief was supposed to be a ripoff of Vasquez from Aliens - hence "Macha Hernandez". Sirtis read for the part. And they wanted Troi to be a tall sexy blonde, hence Crosby. Then somewhere along the line, possibly because of the actresses they were auditioning, they changed the character's

I am NOT a merry man!

I am NOT a merry man!

As a Catholic schoolboy when this first aired, I really didn't like this joke. In my defense I was a 9-year-old nerd.

As a Catholic schoolboy when this first aired, I really didn't like this joke. In my defense I was a 9-year-old nerd.

Drunk Cersei during the Blackwater episode was amazing.
And if the S1 commentary she did is anything to go by, she's actually really funny.

Drunk Cersei during the Blackwater episode was amazing.
And if the S1 commentary she did is anything to go by, she's actually really funny.

I watched Civil Defense for the first time a couple months ago, and *that moment* with Dukat - you know the one I'm talking about - is possibly the most satisfying comeuppance I've seen in a story in any medium, ever. I had to pause it so my wife and I could recover from laughter.

I watched Civil Defense for the first time a couple months ago, and *that moment* with Dukat - you know the one I'm talking about - is possibly the most satisfying comeuppance I've seen in a story in any medium, ever. I had to pause it so my wife and I could recover from laughter.

I say "Money can be exchanged for goods and services" all the freaking time.

I say "Money can be exchanged for goods and services" all the freaking time.

When I got to Meridian on my current watch I think I threw up a little in my mouth.

When I got to Meridian on my current watch I think I threw up a little in my mouth.

Voyager doesn't start until the middle of this DS9 season (after "Past Tense"), so she was a Romulan first.

Voyager doesn't start until the middle of this DS9 season (after "Past Tense"), so she was a Romulan first.

I like that we get the changelings early, but having Odo have a homing device is pretty lame. I'd have liked a story where he actually has to work to find them, and uncover that they run the Dominion.

I like that we get the changelings early, but having Odo have a homing device is pretty lame. I'd have liked a story where he actually has to work to find them, and uncover that they run the Dominion.

I'm watching DS9 right now (halfway through season 4), and when I got to this one I said, "Hey, it's Odo's people. Now to find out if they're all assholes!"