Person Man

"And we all know what a pain that can be!"

As far as I can tell your entire enterprise is more than a solitary man with a messy apartment which may or may not contain a chicken.

"Oh, I'm hip to that scene."

Robert Forster cameos!!!!

Her reunion scene with Olivia after Olivia is un-ambered is one of my favorite scenes of the last season. It's just so heartbreaking on every level.

I want some Taquitos!

Achewood! Chris Onstad lives there.

Would you say that everyone is an astronaut?

Plus his episodes of The Wire & Treme were always top notch*.

You guys are the home to Velvet Acid Christ? I had no clue! Sweet.

I legitimately love Field of Dreams and I live in Washington state. There are some script problems when talking about baseball and America and all that nonsense, but it's just such a gorgeous touching film.

4000 Holes is such a great record store. I always try to go and buy a thing or two when I visit.

I cover crime in Vallejo? Oh, yeah, I do cover crime in Vallejo!

Spokane born person here. Several people who are cool who were raised there:

Disqus is a flat circle.

He also disliked Drop Dead Gorgeous, which is just hilarious fun all around.

So no Peep Show this week?

*throws wrench at this entire movie, with the exception of Ms. Adams, who is wonderful in it*

That's why I love most of them! They are definitely not for everyone, though.

Don't quote me on this (unless I'm right), but I think her & Ned used to date for a while.