
Los Lobos really kicked that album into outer space!

Try the facebook page.

I remember I was one of those ridiculous douches who was saying "a machine that can predict the future? that's stupid. pass."
i fucking hate past-me.

so how come reese never killed that senator a few episodes ago? i always thought there was going to be some reveal that machine didn't want him dead, but this ep has root saying if they'd killed the senator none of this would be happening, so did i just get it wrong?

this was truly awesome but man, that ending. i feel like my heart got ripped out. where do we go from here?

i think it was present when the movie came out, i remember there being a lot of anger from people about the inclusion of the scene where qui-gon explains what they were to anakin, and it being a notable deletion when it was removed from the phantom edit version of the film in 2001. the reason they don't bother me was

I don't mind The Phantom Menace, probably a lot of goodwill because of really liking the trailers for it. I still believe if that were a little darker, the kid didn't speak at all, we focused more on Obi-wan Kenobi and there was a tighter focus on the camaraderie when a small group of disparate individuals comes

so….I didn't mind the midichloriens or jar jar.

yeah i don't mind amy acker but i've never been really comfortable with the root character. i like the role she plays in the series though as the machine's assistant and how she'll pop in now and then to save the day. i just find her unsettling but that's probably my own bias on that type of character, and just

Didn't love this episode but love this show and love how far we've come with these guys. Machine v Samaritan feels like what I hoped they'd have done with Kaliba v Zeira Corp from Sarah Connor Chronicles and done really well.

I think that's from another sci-fi franchise with star in the title. I also vomited a little thinking about it so fuck you.

I think that's from another sci-fi franchise with star in the title. I also vomited a little thinking about it so fuck you.

isn't the intro only amber because the red and blue universes are together and we're seeing those two colours as one hybrid?omment here.

I'm just surprised it was a non-issue for everyone, both the characters and writers. It seems a little lazy.

Thirded. my only problem is that this feels like season 1 again and i had no problem with season 1 the first time around, but these characters feel off to me and i don't know why i should care about them. and then whenever peter is onscreen it feels like the show i enjoyed watching. and maybe i wouldn't have a problem

loved it. i wonder what it would have been like though if the hospital
scene was saved for next time, and so then this episode ended with that
shot of peter coming up through the lake.

great episode.