Really like how some of the Lemon creature looked like classical grotesque paintings like the works of Bosch.
Really like how some of the Lemon creature looked like classical grotesque paintings like the works of Bosch.
Yeah it's interesting how obsessed PB is in creating life, and bringing it back from the dead.
It is interesting that Lemongrab wanted to become a creator of life like PB.
Lemongrab is a character that really needs to be left alone for long stretches of time, and I've found that his humor to have diminishing returns, mainly because he is a one trick pony, only screaming non-sequiters to get humor out of his character. So it really grating to see him in entire episode, especially two…
Any one else think the Reach ad was awesome but kinda out of place.
I guess the creators can chose to do double episodes like the premiere, but it might strain the show at some point, its honestly really hard to say if it would be better most the time.
Man episodes like this are always hard to judge, its really cool to see Adventure Time deal with the alienation of the hero, and how this can a cause a crack in personalities. Episodes like this make me wish, sometimes, the show had longer episodes. finn split personality is something almost all superheroes go through…
One thing I loved about this episode was how parents and children react to the same source material. Baby Eating Fox and the Babies is basically a brothers Grimm story, and as children we view these dark tale with wonder and a hint of fear. But as parents we can look back and be disturbed by the fact that are children…
Very interesting episode, not what you would normally see out of the show, but really explores the purpose of relationships withins its confines. The first thing that came to mind after seeing it was how people project who they want to be romantically together in their favorite media. These people wildly try…
Very interesting episode, not what you would normally see out of the show, but really explores the purpose of relationships withins its confines. The first thing that came to mind after seeing it was how people project who they want to be romantically together in their favorite media. These people wildly try…
Confirmed for a DVD release but no actual date, just though you'd like to know.
Confirmed for a DVD release but no actual date, just though you'd like to know.
Having been in a terrible marching band "Band geeks" holds a special place in my cold heart.
Having been in a terrible marching band "Band geeks" holds a special place in my cold heart.
Does this mean that there is a small chance that we will have a look back at the first couple of seasons of this show.
Does this mean that there is a small chance that we will have a look back at the first couple of seasons of this show.