Pacific Rim was fun. it was sort of amusing to see Charlie Hunnam try so hard to look butch he forgets to act. He's like a woman doing an impression of Rambo.
Pacific Rim was fun. it was sort of amusing to see Charlie Hunnam try so hard to look butch he forgets to act. He's like a woman doing an impression of Rambo.
Okay, he threatened to overthrow the government over gay marriage. Lucky he's a white dude. And, his National Organization for Marriage exists almost exclusively to oppose gay marriage. Like if they fought divorce, maybe they'd make an impact about something Jesus actually talked about and affects more than 5% of the…
Thank you. I'm only upset because I tossed out that thought as a serious inquiry. And there was indeed this speculation in the press prior to the release of SR, and no I didn't see anything gay - as in homosexual - in the finished film.
Oh you're so damn smart for pointing that out.
You're being very literal. Branding things as gay is a national past time practically and I don't think they mean it as specifically homosexual every time, which is not to say it isn't homophobic.
Well yeah, the two comments above were exactly what I was talking about. The sense in which somebody means gay is pretty immaterial to me, if it's being used pejoratively. It's like if you say "ghetto" you don't necessarily mean black, but it definitely seems like you are. I do think this impacted the film's reception…
Really, because action movies don't need macho cred? You can find plenty of people describing this as the "gay Superman movie." This was the first publicity the movie received. Somebody with half a brain wanna reply?
I sort of liked this show. Bo was charming. This could be one of those series that has a good one season reputation. It's not brilliant, but it had good things going for it.
Do you think homophobia is at play here? Because the director gave an interview in a gay news magazine saying he was going to appeal to gay fans like he did with X Men (which the straight press didn't pick up on), and it went mainstream. And the late night comics said Superman was gay, and Brandon Routh had to deny…
Why can't a guy ever be lovable and cute? They always have to prove something. It's like actresses posing for Playboy to prove something or other. If he wants to shuck his LOTR image, why doesn't he just do a gay porn before he's finally too old (he's pushing it already at 31-ish).
Have you heard the terrible theme song he did for Desperate Lives? I guess the movie deserved it.
The first half of this movie captures temping like a documentary, including when they make Toni Collette sit in a chair for four hours before anybody realizes she's there. You'd be surprised how many temp jobs begin by showing up at the front desk and they have no idea who you are or who hired you.
I'm going to challenge your use of "obtuse."
I am really suspicious of this one after The Colorado Kid, which asserted that there Starbucks and Blockbuster Videos in Denver in like 1980 and made little sense and had no ending whatsoever.
Were the authors white? Just curious. It's always a score for a white academic to find racism somewhere odd and thus prove he is no racist.
Well I loved it, but the ending was a bit ludicrous. I'd be intrigued to see it twice, but that might make it even more preposterous. The more I think the less I might enjoy it.
I don't give a fuck how much you say "fuck," Rebecca, I will not post-game at Sigma Nu. I'm going to Phi Delta With Tobey and their ain't jack shit you can do about it. And I'll cheer whatever team I want. I'll cheer the replacement refs. I don't give a shit. Is football the game with the net? I don't know and I don't…
I saw Great Gatsby. I was expecting some kind of Andrew Lloyd Webber 20s themed disco number, but it didn't quite deliver. Good movie overall, if you can deal with the weird performances and crazy excess.
I am not seeing this shit on principle so as not to glamorize that asshole Orson Card who thinks armed revolution is necessary to stop gay marriage. I know that's not the proper hipster response, but you know if he was trying to fuck with your life you wouldn't want to support him either.
Well I'm listening to this right this minute and finding it good, for the most part, although I recognize one of the stories as an anecdote he told at a reading like three years ago, the only one I have been able to attend, and which I could not get an autograph for in spite of waiting four hours.