As much affection as I have for the interrupting cow, there is a superior variation. Behold!
"Knock knock"
"Who's there?"
"Interrupting starfish."
"Interrupting starfi —"
At which point you slap the other person in the face.
As much affection as I have for the interrupting cow, there is a superior variation. Behold!
"Knock knock"
"Who's there?"
"Interrupting starfish."
"Interrupting starfi —"
At which point you slap the other person in the face.
She would look like she did in her sitcom, if there were multiple episodes in which she wrapped her head in cling-wrap.
Seriously. He looks uncannily like Buffalo Bill when he's in drag.
I read that as "I can't get the blood out of my catflap" and was concerned.
It hardly seems unintentional — there's even a brief moment in the video in which Gaga sports some absurdly exaggerated Madonna makeup (accentuated cheekbones, gap in the teeth).
Oh, god no. It's utter crap. Doesn't even hold up to the nostalgia factor for those of us young, dumb and gloomy enough to have enjoyed it the first time around.
"Next time I shant criticize anything. Let me temper my bile filled rants by saying brevity is the soul of wit. I have enjoyed previous examples of your work and just believed this one needed a trimming. Don't let an internet commentator get you down. You're a professional writer. The only pay I get from commenting…
I read "rope" as "rape" and started to get WAY more excited about this movie.
…wasn't Levesque a vampire in an Anne Rice novel?
Wheeee, I'm actually going through the breakup of a 4-year relationship right now! Looks like I've got a weekend full of movies and sobbing ahead of me …
…he has Little Donny's Disease? Now I have some sympathy for the kid. Let's get a fund-raiser going!
Indecorous Birth
Dishonest Necromancy
Immoral Zombification
The actual Fergie was unavailable for this photo shoot, as she was regenerating in the amphetamine-and-swamp-gas chamber she requires to survive.
Whether they've aged well or not, Sublime remains ubiquitous in Hawaii.
'Cause the man from Mars is through with bars and now he only eats guitars YEAH …
Wait, wait … your 2 year-old is watching two or three episodes just of this one TV show (that you despise) per day, and the people who MAKE it are lazy?
Someone beat you to it.
Jeff Fahey is probably too tall to be Stephen Douglas ("the Little Giant"). Anybody have a list of short, squat actors? How about Paul Giamatti, or Danny DeVito if you want to really go for it …
My love for you is ticking clock
I was just checking to make sure somebody mentioned this — Mansell soundtracks for Aronofsky movies are fantastic. Too bad the tracks from Requiem for a Dream had to get all watered down and used for damn near everything in the years following.