Gary X

I mean, GRRM writes the books so uh, I guess you might want to go take that up with him.

Actually, I just saw that TDVW's review is a big ol' write up about the show showing too much boobs.

I'd like him to show as Malcom. Maybe not as a main thing, but him visiting for a reason if only to have him go off on how inept everyone around him is. Or just have him yell at Jonah so I can see Jonah's reaction to that.

Yeah, I almost grabbed that one solely for his comments (and because the stories in it are, chronologically, the first) but decided I'd stick to the publication order of the books.

You missed out. Holy Motors is fan-fucking-tastic and wants you to, really, laugh and have a good time.

For half a sec, I thought you were talking about the original film, and I was about to be devastated. Whew.

I don't think the train thing was necessarily a trap set for Bond. I think it was mostly a diversion that also blocked his escape path, and he it just doubled as a trap because Bond was there at the right time.

I've recently started watching X-Files off an on for the first time, and I think it's pretty good, but I'm not as drawn to the "monster of the week" thing as much as everyone else seems to be. That's likely because the "conspiracy" episodes will probably end up being terrible and amount to little, but the majority of

I say it's worth a look if you know what to expect. I went into it wanting to see a stupid action movie with a friend while a little high. Came out thinking I had watched the Apex of Cinema. It's a fucking absurd film.

Transformers: Dark of the Moon is an amazing film. I have said it before, but it's the End of Western Cinema (in a Hegalian-sense) for me and might also be a surrealist masterpiece. It is just incredible from start to finish.

Which I guess is surprising since there ARE a number of NYC AVCers around here. Probably ridden a train with someone and never known it. Oh the Community references we could've made!

You're not one of those people from that "FF7 House" are you?

I know no one here in real life.

Well, you'll have a hard time buying it unless it gets rereleased (which, I'm sure it will) since the Criterion one just went OOP.

I started with Gravity's Rainbow which was pretty crazy in parts and really out there in terms of writing. Now I'm going back and reading all his other stuff in order and then going to finish with a reread of Gravity's Rainbow (alternating Pynchon with books by other authors).

It's incredibly ironic to me that the movie was initially criticized for painting a romantic picture of the resistance when it seems almost anything but.

I'd be careful since we're now telling people to die over comments like "I bet the episode before AND the season finale will be really exciting!!"

@avclub-2d29aed617eec94760545196a88d4085:disqus I haven't read the books, and I don't know if this dude has, but seriously, I could have told you that the last two episodes of an HBO season are when shit gets real and when everyone reacts to shit getting real, respectively.

Ugh, Shae's inability to understand how King's Landing works—and how it just turns her into a shrew—is sort of the worst part of the show for me. I get that she's supposed to be stubborn and independent, but it's not very well done.