Gary X

@avclub-81e42ebe6b44656990ff91adfd49b5f7:disqus @avclub-b476828992f393a09339cf6270d30aa8:disqus @The_Guilty_Party:disqus Tomwaitsforsnowman changed his name to The Lone Audience of the Apocalypse after the former reached 10,000 comments. I really liked the dude. Was always super eloquent and wrote some really

Perfect quote.

And Koski.

@avclub-82ce793b52b4f8893511fbdd2cd97e81:disqus Also, when I brought it up on the site (Phipp's departure), my comments got deleted and my account got weirdly banned for a bit.

@avclub-cfe912f5cb3aa572bd1c9ae2a9b82207:disqus Dammnit! Koski really came into her own over the past year or so too!

Ugh, the "In Memoriam" video for the Commies is going to take so long to make now.

Since when has Daft Punk been 3rd tier though?

Those were both B+ too, though.

Then he pissed on the Phoenix album, and Kurt Vile continued to say "hey!" over in the corner before engulfing Ryan with his hair. Ryan is never seen again.

Their best album. "100% Dundee" 4 lyfe.

Why would I do that?

RAM…. FLASH…. always you wrestle inside me. Always you will.

Whenever I see him as Loki, yes.

Not allowed to hug.


Yeah, she had offered to do some "rewards drawings" last year, and I meant to actually get that ball rolling, but the whole thing was just sort of flying by the seat of my pants. I just didn't get around to doing the communication necessary for that part since I was basically arranging the winners, making the images,

Sex gets mine going.


Pretty sure that most people who post on the Tolerability Index probably post on the AV Club enough to drive Disqus servers into overdrive. Thus we're all "MVCs."