fighting polish

I had a lot of Indian friends growing up (note: I am VERY white).  Going over to an Indian house is a full on sense-assault, where you're immediately hit with a strong wave of curry and spices.

Also, I'll never look at Michael Cera the same way after seeing him in the bathroom with a juicebox.

The scene where the monster attacks Jay and Craig while they're in the house was LEGITIMATELY terrifying.  My friend I saw it with must've jumped 3 feet in the air when it happened.

There is no greater love than to lay down one's life for one's friends. - John 15:13

Nothing in Podcast-dom was as good as Jeff Davis revealing that he has super powers on Harmontown this week.

Sex or weightlifting.

In the Mad Men epilogue, Ken Cosgrove becomes Rolland Emmerich's go-to screenwriter.

To quote Ray Gillette, "Nobody's that gay."

Sally is going to do a LOT of cocaine in Mad Men 2: The 1970's.

It kind of reminds me of Ken Cosgrove, in that they're both genuinely good guys, but their "horrible secrets" (writing shitty science fiction/being gay) would ruin their careers faster than any of Pete/Roger/Don's horrible secrets.

Quick Bob Benson thought: The Stonewall Riots are scheduled to take place on June 28, 1969.  Hm.

These episodes are fun, if for nothing else, to see how much bigger the budget got for Jim and Pam's hair during seasons 3 through 8.


For the record: I would absolutely watch a weekly show about Harry Crane's California Adventures.

This episode was worth it for Harry Crane: California playboy.


This better not be the end of Harmontown, is all.


The Pink Power Ranger.

And the very last episode features a warning that says "WARNING, YOUR TRIAL IS ABOUT TO EXPIRE"