Writ Large

I too miss the Spec Ops, but have already dumped several hours into zombies without it getting old.

@Emperor Jim - That was Sub-zero, asshole.

Corruption is the best game for the Wii IMO

I will second beaker with siberian special forces. It's almost unfair on any of the brighter lit levels.

Who let Jar-Jar in here?

^^ Gotta be Even Flow

Much much?

Check the background
I like the jazz mouse playing a shockingly detailed Es-335 plugged into a tweed amp with what appears to be a Dos Equis or Heineken on top.

I thought this review did a great job of conveying what it is like to play this game. I think faux erudite patina is a great descriptor for GoW: because the sex and violence was in the source material, and the source material is classic, GoW gets a free pass to some extent. I imagine at least one gamer took some

Cupid's Excema
Ty Cobb's Disease

The Bullets were named after Van Gogh. Team Shell racing is named after Hemingway.

Is Wrangler slacks from Sears a look, now? And, if so, who is known for this particular look?

Suicides being the coolest subset.

GhaleonQ, I meant no disrespect, just that this looked to be right in your wheel-house.

More like your cousin, Marvin Berry.

I'd like to see Avatar 2 with dialogue by David Mamet.

That abortion thing is …

You win. Downloading now.

I liked MPP and want to know the next steps…
Strawberry Jam or the solo stuff?

I like Daily Routine better than Brothersport. Brothersport has its moments, but that "whoop" sound gets to me after a while.