Writ Large

n. hamilton, I rarely laugh out lud from things on the internet, but that was great.

Hugh Laurie slips occasionally and pronounces "of" as "auv" rather than the American "uhvv." Other than that he's pretty authentic IMO.

Rounding out the cast
Christina Hendricks is a good choice to round out the cast of any movie.

Life is better when you assume everything from fast food is made out of disgusting sub-ingredients, but enjoy anyway.

What does not kill us makes us failures.

Jcar: David Foster Wallace's review of an academic analysis of Dostoevsky complained similarly that our writers want more than anything to avoid being accused of taking ideas seriously.

I like EndWar, but my old roommate stole it from me.

How do black people pronounce aunt?

If you can get past the perm.

Alien/Aliens Sigourney Weaver in the beater and panties is hot in a concrete way. Plus her competency as a flight officer adds to the appeal.

Fenway Pahk.

Who wants some SUHLOPPY Joe's? I made 'em extra SUHLOPPY for ya.

"Nadir approached daily."

TDWP probably doesn't believe in divorce.

Watchmaker, if you are serious and not trolling, then you are a true idiot.

You're thinking Steve Austin. He's a bit south on IH-35.
Steve Dallas is the lawyer from Bloom County.

Lots of musicians work in bars and restaurants.


wtf is multifaceted minimalism lol

Jin smiles goofily at camera, is pushed against the wall, is shot.