Was the Gummi Venus di Milo featured there?
Was the Gummi Venus di Milo featured there?
This analogy becomes more interesting with the five films list which would mostly include 1990's to current directors. Kubrick is the only consistent director from the 70's to 90's and Stone's first five were a pretty mind blowing run, while Spielberg is iffy (what was the name of that Goldie Hawn hippiefest?) I…
Here here! If i were running a company i would hire you in an instant. These morons are so short sighted it's no wonder there's a reccession. You neatly wrapped up everything they are doing wrong and the scary part is they own Congress so they can pass all sorts of draconian copywrite laws.
So the taylor character must be pissed that he lost his Men's Warehouse gig. So this show looks ok but we can all smell the blood in the water that Fonzie will have to jump sharks over. Braga just sucks. He nearly killed Star Trek and ran Flashforward into the ground. I can't believe he still gets shows produced.…
Well for that Obama era geekiness with youth and vigor I nominate Zoe Saldana. Star Trek, Avatar, Pirates. I mean we need a new hottie to
Can I go to your family Thanksgiving this year. I'll bring the fist stew.
Both she and he were of course married and for the most part neither of them talk publically about it. I was actually surprised she mentioned him because she rarely does. I think in the HBO thingy she devotes about a minuet or two to the what ten year marriage. I don't know what happed between them but I'll bet…
Andy inspired me to work out for two months straight to the episodes of Spartacus. After the season ended of course I went back to eating cheeseburgers and sitting on my ass. But I'll never forget our time together and my girlfriend will never forget my tighter abs.
So it's a rip off of Dexter but with brand name apeal kind of like Pan Am but with blood splatters. Also has Brian Fuller ever had a show that wasn't cancelled after two seasons?
Which one of you cupcakes wants to give me a blow job and cook me dinner.
Yeah and get that prostitot that dressed like Pretty Woman straddling a pole and you're in business
It's amazing how quoteable his movies are. He lets ordinary fucking people do their own little stand up shows and it usually kills. I think there should be a Year of Flops on "Life Stinks". Does any one notice a lot of his cameos are him driving a wagon?
OHHH I miss Wired Tired Expired. I wish Wired would bring it back.
I seem to recall a lot of hurly burly on here a little while back when the AV Club forced registration. It seems to be going along now. I wouldn't bring an electric device to a beach except for a cheap CD player. It reminds me of an Edison quote, "We shall make electricity so cheap only the very rich will burn…
Whenever I see a Rob Zombie movie it just pisses me off. I think about all the film makers out there with original ideas, true vision and the ability to see their ideas effectively conveyed who don't have millions of dollars skimmed from goth kids using his music to be "dark". Then this no talent hack comes along…
I first caught this episode when I was in high school. All of my friends were going to this big party and for some reason I couldn't go. I think I couldn't get a ride or I was grounded but I remember being super upset that all my friends were having fun while I was stuck home on a Friday night. So I sat and watched…
Sean O'Neal may be an asshole but his grasp of the English language is stupendous.
No, no, you're thinking of Martha Reeves's kid. I think you meant Scott from General Hospital
Yeah Soderberg is the Nicolas Cage of directors. For every great film there's two pieces of shit.
Christopher Walken in just about anything in fact he's defined almost his whole 90's to current career by single-serving cameos but most related to the article TRUE ROMANCE. Before this he was known of but not a household name. It would take PULP FICTION a year later to do that.