umm.., DVD's?
umm.., DVD's?
The Editor edits the Editor.
third, blah blah whatever
We need to find some real-life people for you to talk to, buddy.
Dear Sean-
Method Wizard
Lifetime continues to produce consistently groundbreaking material. I love that movie where the girl almost gets hurt by the guy that did that thing, and when she finally thought about the advice she was given from the lady at the nursing home she leaves his house and hugs her incontinent canine pal. Great stuff-…
"World can't wait for Liam Gallagher to stop making things"
"Bully Wizard" - band name! I call it!
My mom scored a 9.4 on Pitchfork, and she's making twenty to thirty grand JUST FOR HANDJOBS. She doesn't even open her top button.
The only true omission from this list is Dawes. The AV Club grovels before Dawes and begs for their forgiveness, and we think you should too!
You're missing a closing quotation mark on "Mr. Bob's Toddler Kaleidoscope" in the last paragraph. And yes, it is fun to write.
"Or, even more crucially, the premise of the show itself." - That is not a sentence.
", and it’s also just plain fun.." One period would probably suffice.
"There’s nothing much interesting about ruts." That's racist.
"one of the best show’s you’re not watching" There shouldn't be an apostrophe in shows.
"While I liked the subversion of the romantic comedy plotline … to be about a cop who meets his first hippie protestor, it was kind of a one-joke premise:" "to be" should be "being"?
Then you probably have no soul
Like Nicolas Cage, his hair is a bird. Unlike Nicolas Cage, his bird is dead.
I am a big ugly poop head. Dawes rules!!!!!
Password: zodiacmf