Just a Nigga that Likes Tittie


Not good enough to avoid being deleted though, apparently. Shit.

Hoooooly shit, look how ripped Aaron Eckhart is.

Aw, shit. I love you too, Pierce.

Shit, yeah. We down with the gendered equality, yo.

Hey AVClub - GET A FUCKING HIP HOP HEAD TO WRITE ABOUT HIP HOP. Bad enough you still don't have any brothers (or sisters) on the wall. Rabin was the goddamn closest we had, and he's gone, so you could at least make a lateral move and if you have to hire a white boy, then hire a white boy who knows what he's writing

It's not Macklemore that's the problem. He's no worse than Rebecca Black, really. It's so-called music critics like Chris "Straight White Privilege!" Mincher that hold Macklemore up as an example of All That Could Be Good and Right About Hip-Hop that are.

Macklemore's song is well-intentioned, corny, dull, but ultimately not that bad. It's this fucking article that is rage inducing.


"they don't reach the mainstream whatsoever"

You realize it's not Tim'm, Le1f and Mykki Blanco's fault they're not mainstream, right?

Stallone used to hang w/ Vitor Belfort?

Not really.

I seriously don't understand you people who dismiss Tarantino movies. They're fucking awesome, all around.

What the hell? What happened to that whole thread I was in yesterday?

A mothafucking pantheon, yo. Holla.

Yeah, I was thinking that for someone who apparently has spent a lot of time with black people, Brennan comes across as incredibly misinformed. Apparently the black people of Brooklyn are representative of all black people in America? And if he thinks white people love rules, he needs to get down South.

Nice try, motherfucker.

Fucking what, dude? You weren't here when the Cloud Atlas thing went down?

^^^ this guy is absolutely right! If people are just trying to make jokes, it is completely silly and absurd to be offended! I mean, the ONLY thing that gives racism and other forms of hate speech power, is that minorities refuse to laugh off harmful stereotypes! Moreover, offending people who like Nicolas Cage is