
Yeah, that was the boyfriend she started the show with.

Yeah, that scene was totally a rolling eyes moment. Not believable at all.

Yeah, I always thought that David was alive too. And like robothouse said, until you see a body there's still the chance of him turning up. And even when there's a body, you don't know what substance they consumed to appear dead. Ahhh, TV!

I have to agree with the reviewer's comments. The revelation that the Graysons were behind David's death was not shocking and it did nothing for me. What the Graysons did before to David Clarke was bad enough so this wouldn't surprise me one bit. And having the Graysons responsible for his death doesn't make them

Nina's boobs.

Thanks for the info. I just asked on the new What's On Tonight article and decided to look here. See you next week.

What happened to Scrubs yesterday?

I always skip the "Next Week On" segments for all shows I watch. I don't think I've ever seen one for Mad Men but I'm just so terrified of spoilers.

Yeah, fairly obvious it was a non elimination leg once they started building their tents.

The Client List (Lifetime, 10 p.m.): Jennifer Love
Hewitt’s career as the shared masturbatory fantasy of an entire
generation comes full circle, as the actress takes on the role she was
born to play (in the minds of Maxim subscribers): an employee at a Texas spa that doubles as a brothel. Will Harris only watches the

I'm not defending Tarzan but I think I understand where his conversation with Chelsea comes from. In medicine, specifically in psychiatry, they teach med students about transference and to be on the lookout for it with patients. Transference is the expression of feelings (erotic, hatred, etc.) that come from one

The giant that appeared in the Pilot (Matthew McGror)
never appeared in another episode. Take into consideration that I'm a first time viewer. So having people like the conjoined twins not appear for a while doesn't surprise me.

In "Spits and Eggs" I really got tired of Veronica's holier- than-though-roll-your-eyes attitude towards all fraternity males. Its a joke that all fraternity males are depicted so stereotypical and thus are easy pray for our savvy heroine but there comes a point when all those comments just make you look like a bully.

I did the exact same thing. I started watching live when season 3 aired. Then I went back and watched the first two seasons. I watched because the regulars at the forums that I visited never stopped talking about the show so I decided to give it a try.

Yeah, now I remember. Thanks for the info!

Except that Carnivale is not available on HBO GO for whatever reason.

First time viewer here…

"The one non-Collins musical number in Episode 205 is Link Hogthrob’s
brief run at “I Talk To The Trees.” From this segment, it would appear
that Link is being primed to be a replacement for Wayne and Wanda"

Holy manure, Batman!