
I'd agree. I also haven't seen heart of darkness (although i have seen apocalypse now), but this episode just didn't really do it for me the way that most community episodes do. there were a couple of funny moments, but I never quite got a handle on what they were satirizing and the documentary style really throws me

exactly what I'm wondering…


actually, i was laughing at your misuse of their instead of they're

any application that requires me to allow it to "post to facebook as me" is not going to be installed. that application is just going to make it look like no one wants to save community (When they really just don't want their facebook hijacked)

This reminds me of the episode of Home Improvement where Tim sets his television with a clapper. Needless to say, applause from the big game set up big laughs.

Community (and go get an interview with christopher moore)

Christopher Moore

This is really bad, and not in the awesome Friday way.

needs more monarch ( i get it he's a villain, so what?)

definitely deserves at least a B.

You are dead on about the interrogation. I found the round-robin blaming hilarious. The only part that felt unfunny was the ending. I personally would have prefered a flashback that showed that everyones ridiculous explanations were completely true. It would have allowed the show to be completely ridiculous with the

I'm rewatching the entire series because my girlfriend hadn't seen it (on season 2 now) and I just need to say this is the best show yet made. I know this is a pretty popular opinion, but that's because it's true.

I think it's pretty obvious that shane is DEFINITLY getting all those loans for a scheme. The Doug-setup is a good guess that I hadn't thought of but makes perfect sense from the way the story has been introduced.

I didn't like how they made the artificial cliffhanger last week w/ the UA (reminded me very much of last season when nancy and andy are leaving the house with the trimmings and the cop stops them only to let them go immediately).

good write up. sort of a meh episode. nothing to complain too much about (although the artist lady was abhorrent). I probably would have given it a C-.

kirby, you got me there. that scene with celia had me rolling

not unbelievable for the many people who come out of jail and are so accustomed to having dealt drugs that falling back into drug dealing is the only thing the really feel equipped for. But that doesn't really seem like Nancy…

Continue to cover this show AV club. Take the lack of comments as a general statement to the effect of "it's the 4th of july and not everyone has showtime to watch it the night it airs".

Keep covering the show.