
I read "white whale". Somehow made the post better.

The joke is not about the girl. It is about the absurdity of the joke itself. Do people really think, that sincerely calling someone the c-word is a joke The Onion would do? Sure it isn't the funniest thing I have seen them write, but I get what they were going for, and had such a surprising amount of people not

That's not even a real CATEGORY you phony!


Cool. Thanks.

Yup definitely a clever movie. Simple concept Sci fi can be very gripping. Would you recommend the sequels?

No no no. I really liked Cube. It just wasn't as good as the rest I'd say. And that's pretty much only because of the third crazy act and the occasionally klichéd characters. Still, they were much more rounded than is custom in these kinds of films, and it was very much edge of your seat entertainment the rest of the

I'd like to point you to a litte film called Citizen Kane

Oh man, that's perfect.

I Read a couple chapters in "The Hero with a Thousand Faces".
I Saw: Amour, the last half hour of Total Recall, Excalibur, The King's Speech, Beasts of the Southern Wild and Cube.
They are ranked by order.

But where are the Cannibal Holocaust slippers?

He is doing his American Psycho impression.

Yeah. the first two thirds of the film are THIS close to being an above average  TV documentary. I respect that the film was going for paying respect to the people who really did risk their lives, but the idea is just so goofy that I feel it could have used more pzaz. Still, I could have respected this historically

@avclub-997c221538094d134659141cf61d51e3:disqus What's the hotbox from?

Django Unchained is really more about black submission than white dominance. Of all the racists killed in the movie, Stephen is the last. It has to happen this way. Django fails when his freedom is authorised  by a benevolent white man, who he takes orders from (schultz). In the final act of the movie, Django kills

The post was sarcastic, but not sufficiently so apparently. I am sorry for having wasted your time.

The post was sarcastic, but not sufficiently so apparently. I am sorry for having wasted your time.

He was supposed to seemingly be in his 40's in "Dead Man" and I just wasn't convinced at all.