Adam Sandler

The Hannukah Song!

The New York Knicks!!!!!

Do they have chocolate puddings?

Beem me up Scotts-tey!!!

Wood the pubic clambor for a dystopian Adim Sandlur movee?

No. Jokes come from an i-magine-erry place inside off you that's called "your brain."

Some-body is making a Hansel & Gretel movies wear they are Which-Hunters?

I wood like to be the Champion in the Cheetoh's eeting contest!

Shmacky dacky doooooo!

What does "Gimmick" meen?

I wood have gone with "pud" him with his own "pudding."

Think again, stoopid!

Personnelly, I'm weighting to read the review for this on The Dissolve ….

Hoooray!!! That sounds like fun!

That sounds like a grate idea!

Will I still be able to meat the Wizards from the Moon?

Will you right me a recommendations on LinkedIn?

Sir, that comment is libellesnious against me, and now I'm going to sew you!

I canned-t get in trouble though, because I've been pacifically assured that my account is what's knowed as a "Parrotty" account.

Mr. Craft - Your comments against me were very hurt-ful and libelliousness.