Mister Full - You're comments are libelious against me!
Mister Full - You're comments are libelious against me!
My laundery!
Moar Adim Sandlur!!!!
Weight… are you saying that comics have the ability to reed peopul?
I was all-so waiting for a self promotion thread.
Oh, then I probably wont' bee able to make it. I don't have time do drive to China.
Ha ha ha ha ha haaa… that's so stoopid!
Could I be invitated to the DC commenters meetup?
Hello Mr. Anything -
HEY! How THE HELL did you finned out about our secret…
I all-so have been pers-a-que-ted by the Hollywood Star Whackers.
More like Adim Sandlur is hansome and will win the Acadamee Award for The Cobbler !
I am also my second favorite poster too!
I am mad at the Internet. It sayes bad things about my movee-films.
Poor Arbeys. I have all-so been victimized by "Parroty" accounts that are very hurtful to me.
That sounds awesome! Where can I get a copey of it?
I hope I gett to play as Jar Jar Binks!
Its' spelled "Deepe", stupid-head.
"Moments" of a movie shouldn't count. There are plenty of terrible films with great moments.