Adam Sandler

Good sirs and madams from the A.V. Club,

Shmacky dacky dooo!

Yeah dont' forget themm!

I hoap he doesn't embaruss America

And I am not going to weight for anyones' approval to…

People saye that two me all the time!

I agree with you, Mr. Boobs. I sometimes find myeself watching De Palma movees, enjoying the artistry vir-chew-osity, but asking myself… "Where are the peeing mooses? Wear are the fartting bulldogs?"

Are they on MySpace?

It haz extra room in the bottom so Rob Scheyder can be buried alive beneath me!

I wuz shouting "PeeBird"

The Holo-Caust was a very terrible thing that happened to the Juws.

French people are so stoopid.


Hello Mr. Dog, my name is Adum do you want to bee friends on America Online?

No that's not at all what they sayed.

Hello Mr. Darkness, my name is Adim Sandlur. I am an Acadaemee Awurd winning actor.


Ha ha haaa haaa haa haa haa ha ha ha!

Was he the Presidunt of Africa?

Ha ha haaaa. Dan Quail is stuped.