Shit looks real. Stephen Root makes shit real.
Shit looks real. Stephen Root makes shit real.
Ought to be a dislike button for a Dexter season 6 reference.
Ought to be a dislike button for a Dexter season 6 reference.
This show has to be another sick joke they're pulling on us like that whole supposed Arrested Development new season.
This show has to be another sick joke they're pulling on us like that whole supposed Arrested Development new season.
Nobody goes there anymore. Is that Ivana Trump?
Nobody goes there anymore. Is that Ivana Trump?
Lupe Fiasco sucks, Spin sucks. Both should cease creating cultural products. Problem solved.
Lupe Fiasco sucks, Spin sucks. Both should cease creating cultural products. Problem solved.
Lourdes, man. You know what I'm talking about. Got that vaguely Mediterranean olive look, got that Catholic going…
Lourdes, man. You know what I'm talking about. Got that vaguely Mediterranean olive look, got that Catholic going…
I happened to think this movie was rather awesome as a kid. We're talking about rocket packs for the sake of fuck!
I happened to think this movie was rather awesome as a kid. We're talking about rocket packs for the sake of fuck!
Olmos is dead all along
Olmos is dead all along
I'ma let you finish, but…
I'ma let you finish, but…
His face is markedly elongated compared to the Friends era.
His face is markedly elongated compared to the Friends era.
I have watched Waterworld. Twice. Never watched that shit pile The Postman though. Not completely at least.