
I can't say that I'm looking forward to this.

If you are referring to a robust bout of sexual congress, then I must unreservedly concur.

I'm interested enough in the mythology and a couple of characters already (the mechanic and his daughter, and the daughter of the Emmit's missing cameraman) to stick around. As you mentioned, I will not be watching it again with commercial interruption though. The commercials were exceptionally disruptive to the

I could practically see your extensive rap sheet as I was typing

It's not racism Princess Hypersensitivo, it's just a lame idea.

No thanks Todd Phillips.

Well it starts with just a finger, a knowing glance, sharing space at a lunch counter, and then next thing you know people are gyrating their hips to negroid rhythms

Precisely at the moment she released the mix CD with Diplo back in 04' or whatever was the moment her good looks and talent peaked. It's gone downhill fast.


Quite frankly, everything they've done before or after Hissing Fauna, with the exception of a handful of standalone songs is clown shoes in comparison. Though Sunlandic and Satanic Panic are *almost* great.

Has anybody any mentioned the awesomely dramatic voice David Cross announces the title of the show at the beginning for the previous episode recap? It was also a nice bit seeing John Hamm recording those self-help CDs. More than outrageous comedy I think I want most of all for the series finale to give us an idea of

I enjoyed Outsourced and it should've had another season. Haters can ride a pole.

and perhaps because Tracyanne Campbell's voice is vastly superior to this gal. No offense meant, real nice album anyway.

I'm glad we got that whole "ethics of downloading" discussion sorted out in this thread.

It is a great season but I think the opening credits do a bit of damage by showing two of the greatest moments. The close-up of Karl's face standing on the bungee platform and his ape-shit freak out when strapped to that plane. The Trans-Siberian episode is a real fun one for me.

I'm not sure how many of you made it through the first 6 paragraphs of this piece of writing but I agree with the first sentence of the 7th paragraph stating that despite its faults this show is good enough to make me want to know what happens next.

This is the painful reality of Obama's America

That sour face Mitchell puts on when he walks back into the room while Cam is singing was pure gold.

Who exactly are these "disenfranchised" groups? Have they notified the ACLU or the SPLC? Sometimes I think people throw around words like that improperly which is sort of a slight to the abundance of people around who are actually disenfranchised.

This show will not be satisfying.