Watched the other 5 minutes, which are pretty amazing. MORE MONEY DONATED
Watched the other 5 minutes, which are pretty amazing. MORE MONEY DONATED
Reminds of this incident in r/atheism. Apparently the mods were sick of all the stupid Velociraptor memes and whatnot and decided to ban them, which sparked some outrage among regulars who are really fucking into memes, including this awesome quote:
PROTIP: Do not ask the cashier out if you are on a bra-run for your grandma.
Rose's return in S4 was not great, but I think it might be fun to see her interact with the #11, especially since for some reason none of the Davies-era companions ever made an appearance in all of Moffat's run (not even Jack, which is criminal).
Hm, never heard about it.
Estimate how you've recently split time among different media:
Walt Whitman = Gandalf
She'll go really well with Michael Cera as the Terminator.
The Season 2/Series finale was epic. WHERE IS MY FUCKING COMIC-BOOK CONTINUATION?!?!
Lack of Bill Murray/Scarlet Johannson boning scene ruined the movie
Hm, it's to the Originals' credit that none of those triangles seem particularly solid. Klaus has shown no interest in Haley, and Cami had to be compelled into continuing her relationship with Marcel, which may or may not have ended.
Even Valerie, who is willing to sexualize any teenage male who has grown
into his man-body, remains focused on Matty as the better specimen.
Classic Original vampire mistake…too cocky to give ownership of the plantation to a mortal and prevent rival vampires from entering your home and stealing your werewolf baby mama.
Klaus and Hayley aren't "dating" at all. They had a one-night stand to release frustrations related to Caroline and Tyler. Since then, Klaus has shown pretty much no romantic or sexual interest in Haley. Also, he's clearly into Cami and apparently has a type: Blonde women who resent him.
Wasn't Sadie in love with Mattie as well in he beginning (fueling her hatred of Jenna)? I'm glad they dropped that (unless I misinterpreted it).
I guess you're not going to like Episode Six, which is ALL voiceovers.
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