
you are too smart for this show… why are you watching and commenting along with us dummies?

I'm still watching Under The Dome…. please don't tell anyone!

exactly JP. Enough of that after the axe scene.

or they are depressed and kill themselves. sad.

wow, kudos to you for knowing the music; it was beautiful in a haunting way.

I laughed out loud at this post… and then wished I had a cig.

"life in 1900 would have sucked." Amen.

Beautiful post. I love reading your writings. I think they are doing a good job of showing Sonya as still odd and different. The bath scene; when she walked very close to the opening of the cremation oven; when Jack had his hands open on the counter expecting her to grab them and she brushed past him, only to come

I know. That first scene of Sonya in the bath underwater holding her breath with her eyes wide open was truly weird….. who does that?

One generation passeth away, and another generation cometh: but the earth abideth for ever.

Yep, for sure. This means I'm only supposed to be watching Gang Related and reruns of George Lopez.

I just watched Gravity but I didn't really get it because I've never been up in space.

I agree, though Jill freaking out when she saw her dad enter the science classroom was upsetting.

well, now I understand why I never post….. thinking my thoughts are so brilliant, just to find them already posted. :-)

haha. I just posted the same. I seldom totally despise a review being they are so subjective, but this one required me to log in. I'm wondering if maybe she wanted to sound so controversial to stir up a hornets nest.

I miss Todd

Thank you So happy you are reviewing this show now! Love it.

Yikes. Disturbing; my stomach hurts….

Zack, perfect review, I'm with you… what a surprise…..I love this show!

This is great!