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Or plaster his name on golden hotels and call him Rich.

What a Tchrump. Not funny exactly, but an interesting sound and meaning morph going on there.

Permission DENIED.

We need them to keep thin, definitely.

With these guys it never seemed to me like a tongue in cheek move to shock, these guys had something else in mind, and they were out to do that 100 % and without regret and growing-out-of-it ever showing up on the horizon. For others it might have seemed pathetic from the start, but having anything more than a

And Japan's DDT Wrestling promotions taught us that Anal is an acronym for "All Nations Anal Love"

For me, this blows simply because this was a guy that could be counted on to elevate any ensemble, and in the back of my mind It kind of meant there was just a greater likelihood of good movies being made. There'll still be plenty of them, but not as many as there could have been.

I got used to it I think, just seen one so far. They seem to be trying to jam the jokes in efficiently, on schedule. Kind of robotic, actually. Not the fun feeling of hanging out with people, but the jokes them selves are usually good enough.

Tea. Earl Grey. NOT!

Who will Ron Jeremy be playing?

Not to the owner who protects it from all the people and larger dogs that might reasonably be expected to kill it for being an asshole.

Now I'm imagining ComRed alternately as protagonist and antagonist in a season of Fargo set for some reason in Texas.

I was just thinking how much he seems like Simpsons character. Some mix of Quimby, Burns and Krusty or thereabouts.

First thing that comes to mind is that it would be a pain in the ass to think back to the jazz things I used to listen to a lot. Next thing I think of is Kenny Kirkland's solo on Bring on the Night live with Sting, but…

And Fattlestar Gigantica

Before numerical systems were developed, this must have been the only possible way to make a permanent record of how many loaves of bread the tribe needed each day.

The reason the Greys get the blame is that the History channel is 100% staffed and run by Reptilians.

Whoa, this wasn't on my radar at all, but I guess Disney is full of surprises these days.

After Baron said he liked those "silly minions", Trump had a case of steaks delivered to the kid's bedroom.

What about the children?!?!