Wow, that really is "open", even stranger.
Wow, that really is "open", even stranger.
Man, I just googled the hell out of this and found nothing, so I dont know what to think. I definitely remember probably a 2 week period where there was scuttle butt about her getting replaced probaby in the 90's, but maybe it was negotiations or just me misunderstanding gossip I didnt usually follow. Lots of talk…
The shitstorm after they tried firing Hot Budding MILF Vanna way back then effectively guaranteed her this job for life.
A little cursory research, instead of just grabbing up Bill Maher's former writer as soon as he knocks on the door.
No, you are absolutely right, but Olberman nailed the behavior a bit more closely.
I'm not saying that. Hu- hu-sheesh. Why would I say that? I don't know, is it just me here?
He looks like Mr. Burns's head lawyer, if I remember right.
Yeah, I was at a Best Western in Japan, nothing super fancy, but we were surprised to have a larger than average bathroom (for Japan), and absolutely stunned to have full view of the toilet placed between shower/tub and sink, the whole thing instantly there before us as we entered the room, glassed off from the bed…
Look at this, another tossed off surface-level opinion. Pry your heart out of this social media rat-tat-tat, for Heaven's sake!
No fucking joke, but I immediately thought you meant the Sade album, which stunned me coming from you in this particular discussion; but it is a controversial choice—and one I would be tempted to make now and then, if the earlier ones start feeling too predictable and samey.
Yes, I am all for tuneful and think a lot of pop can succeed on the strength of pretty much that alone, but the "sing-songy" criticism is pointing at a certain type of tuneful. Whatever sophistication is there, it can feel like the Mickey Mouse Club is on.
Cool, I saw "…it's a pop album?" following the 'sing-songy' accusation, and thought that might have been claiming that sing-songy/glee-club sounds were part and parcel of pop music in general, and it'd be unfair to complain—thus my "defense of Flanders's kids" starting point.
Someone else said it was sing-songy…it's a pop album? And that (also pretty lazy) dig completely ignores how much melancholy is smuggled openly into the candy dreamy singsongy radio-friendly songs, which are really fucking depressing at times if you look at them closer.
Hey, wait—What was that again??
The scary "…you'll be older too…" is so cute!
I heard BBC radio over in England as a kid back in the day, a long time ago OK?, but well after Sgt Peppers, but still it was cool because the limited number of stations meant that all kinds of different genres got played together.
Yeah, Sean's captured the problem with the Glee Club bit. Blows my mind when people talk about listening to a whole Beach Boys album. I can enjoy a big hit single of theirs in a campy kind of way, but that's it.
On point and indispensable.
I always found Michael McDonald fascinating. That voice, is it real, and wow it's coming out of a beard, a hippie beard really, but wait grey hippie hair, thick, luxurious, not as hippie as the other Doobies, hippie by association I guess I was thinking. Nice jacket, probably. Damn presentable next to those guys.