
Hunky Dory Bowie! Especially because blonde hair would look so wrong on me.

Being a young shut-in born in 1993, at the advent of Internet's domination, I didn't discover him through a knowledgeable elder or record store man. My parent listened to decent music like Bowie and The Cure but she fell into a slump of mostly adult alternative and Alison Krauss. I listened to online samples of Velvet

This album borrows a lot from artists who more or less fall along the same tapestry of era and style: New Order, U2, Talking Heads, less experimental David Bowie, The Cure but I don't think this album sounds as good as any of these bands. At the same time I still enjoy this album but I don't think it's as weird or

The smurf scene and Donnie's therapy appointment are gloriously awful pieces of dialogue that stick out in my mind more than any of the truly great parts, which there are obviously plenty of but they don't reach the heights of either of those gems.

So excited to watch Southland Tales, I've liked Donnie Darko for far too long. It's time for me to experience the director's career wildly plummet into the tragically awful.

From someone who hasn't read King's book nor has watched the original film version yet are they worth the time? I appreciate King as a personality, tried reading Lisey's Story but his prose style is too "workman's like." I also read It in Middle School for a class project that involved reading a novel and condensing

I am a survivor of terminal Mozzy fondness that I finally got over in the past couple of years. I still find when I sing I can't totally shake off his mauldin warble that was for a window in time an entrancing way of delivering emotionally stunted words. The fact his lyrics have refused evolving and his solo albums

Dream guest list:

Booo, hiss, scratchy noises of disapproval.

Count me as another member joining in the outcry against this insufferable attempt at musical analysis, either way it had me scratching my head like a Mason.

She Don't Use Jelly is one of the worst Flaming Lips songs but there pre-Soft Bulletin albums are not real shaky affairs. I met a Phish and Grateful Dead fan who despised Wayne Coyne for not being serious enough a musician and relying too heavily on gimmicks to substitute for lack of talent. I think most people who

The only thing about this move that piques my interest is that it's being produced by Stephenie Meyer. Which gets me thinking that there may be a Mormon cinema scene sprouting up or at least until Meyer's purse strings break. I am entirely against everything that organized religion stands for but solely consuming art

Would be great if all the teachers are played by Joan Rivers and all the students are Tracy Morgan.

Makes me really happy that Ray Bradbury posthumously released a pro-child pornography manifesto or Kurt Vonnegut had a closet full of plastic wrapped manuscripts featuring nothing but scatological nursery rhymes. Choose the authors you like wisely!

Her filmography is a really paltry and saddening, although she did nab a cameo on Platypus Man.

The Kush-Man's interview on Colbert was truly insufferable.

No Cage! I'm enraged! I wanted Hit Girl and her dad to be swapping leather buddies!

The flux of male anti-heroes  is truly trivializing a once novel plot device, these days making a grizzled man who builds his own moral compass only to shatter it has become far too predictable.

The real issue is the dearth of animated movies that are actually animated and not  made in soulless CGI.

Gravity's Rainbow! Let the entire show be made in cheap second-hand CGI like Xavier: Renegade Angel.