
Seems I'm one of the only ones who finds Greg Proop's podcast to tower over the majority of popular,paid attention to shows out there.
Suppose Proops outcast nature is what makes me cling so dearly to his show.

This is probably one of the best mainstream releases I have…ever…heard.

If anything, this movie review brought us an interesting word of the day: gaumless: (British informal) lacking intelligence and vitality.

The movie looked decent until Zach Braff's character started talking in the expanded trailers, and this is coming from someone who didn't mind Garden State.

Just watched the entire season up to the most recent episode. I am appalled by how long I put this show off for. Easily one of my favorite series, not currently but out of anything I have ever watched.

After loathing Ang Lee's Brokeback Mountain for not being "GAY" enough, I have to admit I was rooting for Life of Pi to win its share of awards, and I think  beating out Spielberg made his win all the more gratifying. Lincoln was no better than any Ken Burns production, in fact it was worse because it was mind numbing

Tried watching the first few episodes of this series, and while they were watchable, the pacing of the show didn't coalesce into a gripping devotion on my part. I love Laura Dern as well as off-beat Television, so if what this article says is true I will have to reevaluate the series ASAP.

This was the film that made me a Miike fan for life. It's a shame that all of his movies aren't subtitled and released over seas, I really want to see his Phoenix Wright movie.

Really want the new Arcade Fire to be a brooding art rock electronica crossover that will make anyone too cool for them return, shamefully repentent, forgetting any notions of smug condescenion jerks regard this band with.
Would also like to see a whole lot more concerts in 013 but that woild require me getting a job.

Really want the new Arcade Fire to be a brooding art rock electronica crossover that will make anyone too cool for them return, shamefully repentent, forgetting any notions of smug condescenion jerks regard this band with.
Would also like to see a whole lot more concerts in 013 but that woild require me getting a job.

To me the saddest aspect of this story is how little attention it will get or the general population's capacity to care about literature.

To me the saddest aspect of this story is how little attention it will get or the general population's capacity to care about literature.

The correspondents are the main reason why I infinitely prefer the Colbert Show over Stewart - sure there's the occasional segment featuring correspondents that will work but the ratio has never been in their favor (at least since I have been old enough to be a committed viewer).

The correspondents are the main reason why I infinitely prefer the Colbert Show over Stewart - sure there's the occasional segment featuring correspondents that will work but the ratio has never been in their favor (at least since I have been old enough to be a committed viewer).