Well, I think Spirited Away is pretty much one of the greatest movies made by any human being, not just Miyazaki, so I agree.
Well, I think Spirited Away is pretty much one of the greatest movies made by any human being, not just Miyazaki, so I agree.
I went to a Data's Day party at my friend's house today, wherein we watched eight straight episodes of TNG, starting off with heavily Data-focused ones, before trailing off into awesome Picard eps. The party was made especially great because we ate fondue (which is freaking delicious) and homemade scones. God, so good.
It is the looooongest.
I don't know — if a writer doesn't work for you in a pretty definitive way, I figure they will never work for you.
In Cold Blood was my favorite book I read all last year. It's heart-breaking but it doesn't make a plea for sympathy or beg pity for anyone.
I've been stuck on page 80 of The Idiot for months.. I'm hoping to get the wherewithal to pick it up again soon. (This is what I keep telling myself anyway.)
I am not even that much of a SW nerd, but I read all the Thrawn books and loved 'em. They would make great movies… if only.
Every year, my new year's resolution is the same thing: read more books. For that aim, I recently sold my iPad and yes, I have been reading more.
Another vote for The Diamond Age — it's my favorite Stephenson. I have been meaning to re-read it for while.
It's an interesting read. But I almost feel that Scientology is not weighty enough a subject for the treatment that Wright gives it.
I was innocently reading Lawrence Wright's takedown of Scientology, Going Clear, and apparently when Heinlein befriended L. Ron Hubbard, literally one of the first things he (Heinlein) did was insist Hubbard sleep with his wife. I was face-palming in ick.
I'm reading, right now, George Packer's The Unwinding, about the loss of America's awesomeness. It's really depressing and engrossing.
Well, I too loathe Jane Eyre, so we have that in common. (The only part of the whole novel I enjoyed was the very beginning, where she is in the horrible boarding school for poor children and students are dropping dead of scarlet fever; I remember in high school being super impressed at how lethal something as simple…
Hey, some people are into rust-play.
I finished my re-read of Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett's Good Omens. It's been many years since I last read it and it's still a perfect fucking delight. Crowley (An Angel who did not so much Fall as Saunter Vaguely Downwards) and Aziraphale are my favorites, always.
See, I once tried to convince myself to buy into the authorial intention behind these relationships: that Laurie and Jo would never have been happy, that Jo was meant for more interesting things — that life was truly ordered as it should have been at the end of the novel.
Not broke, just unable to get a job. Seriously, would you rather have his career right now (post-Avengers) or Mitch Hurwitz's or Rob Thomas's (of Veronica Mars, not the shitty '90s band)? They are reviving their cult hits because they can't get other work.
I knew that someone was going to express this opinion, and I'm a gonna go ahead and counter that Buffy was my favorite character on the show.
It proved one thing beyond all doubt: Walt Jr. might just be the smartest person on the show.
Keaton's the best live-action Batman, but he's still not the definitive Batman.