This article is why I've never really liked this movie. It's such a bullshit premise, and the movie is so smug in its virtue.
This article is why I've never really liked this movie. It's such a bullshit premise, and the movie is so smug in its virtue.
Did the kid do it? Yeah, probably. But even if you're 95% sure that he did it, you're better off letting 19 guilty guys go free than sending 1 innocent guy to jail.
Hulk words are the best ways to express things, always.
Hulk words are the best ways to express things, always.
I figured Madeleine was a descendant of the great snobby female heroines of classic lit: Emma Woodhouse (Austen), Gwendolyn Harleth (Eliot's Daniel Deronda), Lily Bart (Wharton's House of Mirth), even Emma Bovary (Flaubert) wherein one of the great pleasures is seeing the arrogant young lady (always beautiful and…
I figured Madeleine was a descendant of the great snobby female heroines of classic lit: Emma Woodhouse (Austen), Gwendolyn Harleth (Eliot's Daniel Deronda), Lily Bart (Wharton's House of Mirth), even Emma Bovary (Flaubert) wherein one of the great pleasures is seeing the arrogant young lady (always beautiful and…
Honestly, plot holes in movies don't bother me much — I only really care if it's bad enough to throw me out of the story as I'm watching it. I'm all about three things: the psychological reality of the characters, thematic resonance and emotional impact.
Honestly, plot holes in movies don't bother me much — I only really care if it's bad enough to throw me out of the story as I'm watching it. I'm all about three things: the psychological reality of the characters, thematic resonance and emotional impact.
I just kept trudging through season two without hope of reward just to complete the series — I mean, it's only 30 episodes, I figured. I'm glad I stuck with it because that finale was really something.
I just kept trudging through season two without hope of reward just to complete the series — I mean, it's only 30 episodes, I figured. I'm glad I stuck with it because that finale was really something.
The writing is really good? I mean, I started reading and it was so fluid and graceful, it was easy to keep going forward even though things didn't sit quite right. (I think I've nailed down what bugs me the most: Leonard's character is central to the conceit: we have to understand what Madeleine sees in him, why she…
The writing is really good? I mean, I started reading and it was so fluid and graceful, it was easy to keep going forward even though things didn't sit quite right. (I think I've nailed down what bugs me the most: Leonard's character is central to the conceit: we have to understand what Madeleine sees in him, why she…
I watched A Dangerous Method, which was both weirdly emotionally sterile (a Cronenbergian hallmark) and hilarious; Viggo Mortensen as Freud is just super-duper funny. Fassbender is good too, in a more subtle performance that I'm used to from him.
I watched A Dangerous Method, which was both weirdly emotionally sterile (a Cronenbergian hallmark) and hilarious; Viggo Mortensen as Freud is just super-duper funny. Fassbender is good too, in a more subtle performance that I'm used to from him.
Magic Mike's script had a few problems, but not as many as Haywire (which barely had a plot to justify the bone-crunching action). The biggest issue with MM's script is that it falls into a classic movie dilemma: the audience is seduced by the brightly colored, naughty fun of the world of male stripping — the…
Magic Mike's script had a few problems, but not as many as Haywire (which barely had a plot to justify the bone-crunching action). The biggest issue with MM's script is that it falls into a classic movie dilemma: the audience is seduced by the brightly colored, naughty fun of the world of male stripping — the…
I prefer the Burton Batman movies over the Nolan ones too. The latter didn't make superhero movies, for one thing (hey, a great Western like The Searchers is still fundamentally a Western, it doesn't need to transcend the genre) and I think TDK is just a confused, thematic mess that doesn't work on many levels,…
I prefer the Burton Batman movies over the Nolan ones too. The latter didn't make superhero movies, for one thing (hey, a great Western like The Searchers is still fundamentally a Western, it doesn't need to transcend the genre) and I think TDK is just a confused, thematic mess that doesn't work on many levels,…
See, this! This I don't get! I must have some sort of block or something, but I don't see why she is so great. She's kinda charming and she is very attractive, but nothing special, yet many people adore her. So confusing.
See, this! This I don't get! I must have some sort of block or something, but I don't see why she is so great. She's kinda charming and she is very attractive, but nothing special, yet many people adore her. So confusing.