
I think the cat was more than just a metaphor for Naz' journey into the system. I think that Stone and/or Box will figure out that the back gate and door were left unlocked and that some overlooked key evidence – like the blood spatter on the mounted deer's eye – are the keys to freeing Naz.

I think so too …but not the cat specifically. I think it's the fact that the back gate and door were left unlocked when the cat was put outside due to Naz' allergies.

I don't get the whole Danny McBride is a comic genius thing. I'm not saying he's not funny – he is. I just don't think he should be elevated to comic sainthood just yet

Not since Scared Straight has there been anything so terrifying as Naz' trip to Rikers Island. So far this show is what the second season of True Detective should have been.

This show gets better each episode.

Unless Arya is living a Tyler Durden existence, how – after Jaquen says, "there will be no third time" of failing – does she just inexplicably just wander around the marketplace NOT thinking the Waif isn't going to kill her? …total "jump-the-shark" moment.

I guess as a relative newbie to AV Club, I'm gonna have to look out for "vicious hatred". …and honestly, I could care less about people disagreeing with me. We all have our own unique perspectives and opinions. I do, however, really thought the episode was not as bad as everyone else thought. But I do agree that

Might just be the best episode they've ever done. The puppet smiling had me on the floor. Brilliant.


So Modern Family has become the new Big Bang Theory that everyone loves to hate.

I hate Chuck. What a dick.

Lots of pretentious fucking comments today about this show. You people all fucking complain about the lack of original programming on television today versus the glut of reality shows, contest shows, live one-off broadway singalong shows, etc., and you're "personally upset" about how HBO "let you down"? …be grateful

Bring back Megan Fox.

I was thinking Chuck's untimely death (and Jimmy's future disbarment) leads to Jimmy creating Saul due to a "who's gonna check?" scenario.

“You and Mozart, you both started young.”
…probably the greatest back-handed compliment in television history.

It should be called, "The Rolling Stone Music Hall of Fame" — as it's Jann Wenner's personal project.

It was a historically bad episode. (period)
An audience who finds the last three Adam Sandler movies hysterically funny couldn't have saved this show.

Fucking horrible. Worst SNL episode since January Jones and possibly one of the worst written episodes ever. I mean, c'mon, these are professional comedy writers, right?

Blackish has overtaken Modern Family as the funniest family comedy on television. (period)

OJ must have 10am shadow. He shaves and 2-hours later he has a face full of three-day old stubble. That, or those disposable razors in prison really are dull.