Ben Folds Fan

Ah, Bobbito "Cucumber Slice" Garcia. Remember his announcing job for NBA Street 2. Definitely a very fun sounding guy.

Same, although it's likely an age thing for me (23, soon to be 24).

And there was no reason to hide it, since just about every major fan figured out that it was Kahn from the beginning when they were insisting that it was John Harrison.

@avclub-e129a878f7b0e5aa9ac09e0282f64ea6:disqus Yes, yes they most certainly are.

@avclub-14072b2ff783182847122db384e8863f:disqus I need to remember this in August. I love going to the Fringe, and I'd definitely something that has even a small A.V. Club connection to it.


Anything in particular you're hrumphing?

Well, this is a bit of a mixed bag of sorts for me. While my weekend was quite good, as shall be detailed in just a bit, I had a bit of the sting of two things happening. First, I've found out that my job at Mount Sinai is almost certainly really just temporary and not going to lead to anything permanent. Second, on

I'm still holding out hope for his name to be Slartibartfast and the reason he doesn't want it known is just because of embarrassment.

@avclub-f121d09285898f1c66d66f1e6f0455a6:disqus wins the prize!

I believe that @avclub-b0dae075785888267fc19871f3e7dab7:disqus was being sarcastic.

It was shot down while being transported back to its home planet.

Fun, natural fun!

No, it should be like the organization, which is just "Shield."

Depends on if you were carrying out revenge with a partner and then your partner betrayed you.

@avclub-ba9fab001f67381e56e410575874d967:disqus Cool. I thought you might be in NY somewhere. I hope that things work out.

@avclub-5e5e0bd5ad7c2ca72b0c5ff8b6debbba:disqus Indeed. That's what makes this place so amazing at its best. And now, two good members of this community are lost to us.

@avclub-cfe912f5cb3aa572bd1c9ae2a9b82207:disqus @avclub-eb573591cef285c12701571987b08381:disqus @avclub-5e5e0bd5ad7c2ca72b0c5ff8b6debbba:disqus So, apparently, the reaction to the drama below was to ban all of the parties, including E. Buzz Miller and Opera_Punk. I genuinely have no idea what the other parties said,

Todd's already covered I Love Lucy for this feature.

Have you already made plans for this Saturday? Or would you still be free to go?